Awareness and mitigation workshops for schools
8/5/2022 (Permalink)
This summer (summer of 2022, if you're reading in the future), we've introduced a brand new program that's been going great: a series of half-day workshops put together for local school districts to educate them on a variety of topics related to risk, safety and property damage.
These workshops, put on in partnership with Stohl Environmental, are designed to inform school buildings and grounds staff about risks they might encounter in the workplace, as well as how to react in emergency situations.
The day begins with a two-hour asbestos awareness course taught by Stohl Environmental. This course satisfies OSHA requirements for school employees.
Next, we team up with Stohl for an hour-long course covering the risks, regulation and remediation of mold and microbial growth.
Finally, we wrap up with a primer on understanding and properly mitigating water damage before we arrive on-site.
Interested? Give us a call and let us know you'd like us to come to your school!